Parents worried about their kids and inappropriate YouTube content now have a handy parenting companion. The YouTube Kids app makes it easy to set up a walled-garden of kid-safe videos on any Android or iOS device.

现在,担心孩子和不适当的YouTube内容的父母有了一个方便的育儿伴侣。 YouTube儿童应用程序可让您轻松在任何Android或iOS设备上设置围墙式儿童安全视频。

什么是YouTube Kids? (What Is YouTube Kids?)

YouTube is great because you can find videos about anything and everything under the sun. Whether you want to watch music videos, learn how to fix your antique sewing machine, laugh at comedy clips, or see game reviews, just about every subject makes an appearance in some form on YouTube.

YouTube非常棒,因为您可以找到有关阳光下所有事物的视频。 无论您想观看音乐视频,学习如何修理古董缝纫机,嘲笑喜剧剪辑还是查看游戏评论,几乎每个主题都以某种形式出现在YouTube上。

That’s fantastic for curious adults, but not so fantastic for curious kids who might be exposed to age inappropriate content. Because of this, most parents have either steered their kids away from YouTube or watched apprehensively over their shoulders to ensure that their little tykes curious about Bob the Builder and My Little Pony didn’t lead them to inappropriate suggested video content.

对于好奇的成年人来说,这真是太棒了,但对于可能暴露于年龄不适当内容的好奇的孩子来说,那并不是那么好。 因此,大多数父母要么引导孩子离开YouTube,要么全神贯注地看着他们的肩膀,以确保他们的小玩意儿对建筑商鲍勃(Bob the Builder)和“我的小马驹”(My Little Pony)感到好奇,不会导致他们获得不适当的建议视频内容。

Thankfully Google now has a kid-oriented app that keeps kids loaded up with lots of great YouTube content without the risk that they’ll end up watching violent news clips, swear-word laden Watch It Played videos, or other content inappropriate for small children.


Available for both Android and iOS, YouTube Kids offers a kid-friendly interface with age-appropriate content divided into four easy to navigate categories. And, naturally, it works great with the Google Chromecast and smart TVs that support casting.

YouTube儿童版可在Android和iOS上使用,提供了一个适合儿童的界面,其适合年龄的内容分为四个易于浏览的类别。 当然,它可以与支持投射的Google Chromecast和智能电视完美配合。

YouTube Kids is definitely best suited for younger children as the simple interface and preschool/elementary oriented content and suggestions are heavily skewed towards the younger crowd.

YouTube Kids绝对最适合年龄较小的孩子,因为其简单的界面以及面向学前/小学的内容和建议已严重偏向年龄较小的人群。

如何使用YouTube Kids (How to Use YouTube Kids)

The YouTube Kids app is simple to use once you have it up and running, but it helps have a good sense of what individual features accomplish (and where they may fall short). First thing first: search for the application in the app store on your