So you don’t want your kids on YouTube. That makes sense. There’s a lot of garbage on that site, and that’s before you even get to the comments.

因此,您不希望您的孩子在YouTube上。 这就说得通了。 该网站上有很多垃圾,那是在您甚至还没有发表评论之前的。

It would be nice if Google helped curate it all, and the YouTube Kids app was supposed to solve this. In recent months, however, the growing plague of creepy, fake kid-friendly videos has made YouTube Kids a completely unviable option for many parents. There’s too much content on the site for Google to effectively curate it all, and too much incentive for bad actors to put terrible stuff there.

如果Google协助策划所有事情, 那么YouTube Kids Kids应用程序应该可以解决这个问题 。 但是,近几个月来, 令人毛骨悚然,虚假的适合儿童观看的视频越来越多,这使YouTube Kids成为许多父母完全不可行的选择。 该网站上的内容太多,无法有效地管理所有这些内容,也有太多诱因促使不良行为者将可怕的内容放在那里。

Fake videos staring familiar characters often devolve into violence with seemingly no warning, meaning your kid could see Mickey Mouse shooting Goofy (or worse). This is something a lot of parents are understandably uncomfortable with, but it’s not all. There are the unboxing and egg surprise videos, consumerist garbage kids become obsessed with before inevitably begging for new toys. And even if your kid is watching great content there’s the advertising, which prompts similar reactions.

假装盯着熟悉的角色的视频通常会演变成暴力,似乎没有任何警告,这意味着您的孩子可能会看到米老鼠开枪拍摄“高飞”(或更糟)。 可以理解,很多父母对此感到不舒服,但这还不是全部。 有拆箱和鸡蛋惊喜视频,消费主义的垃圾孩子在不可避免地乞求新玩具之前就迷上了。 即使您的孩子正在观看精彩的内容,它的广告也会引起类似的React。

So what’s the alternative? Curated services that don’t show ads. Here are a few to check out.

那有什么选择呢? 精选的不展示广告的服务。 这里有一些要检查的。

PBS Kids:一个包含大量免费内容的可信赖名称 (PBS Kids: a Trusted Name With Lots of Free Content)

You remember PBS Kids; you likely watched it as a child. To this day, PBS affiliates offer a block of children’s programs on broadcast TV, which they’ve supplemented with a generous online offering. There are thousands of videos, and an app that makes it easy to browse.

你还记得PBS Kids ; 您可能是小时候看过的。 时至今日,PBS的子公司在广播电视上提供了一系列儿童节目,此外,他们还提供了丰富的在线服务。 有成千上万的视频和一个易于浏览的应用程序。

Download the app for iOS or Android and your kids can watch full episodes and clips from Curious George, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Wild Kratts, Peg + Cat, The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That, Dinosaur Train, SUPER WHY!, Nature Cat, Ready Jet Go!, and Sesame Street. That’s all content that kids love and that you can trust, and there’s no advertising to worry about either. The app is completely free, too (though you can always donate to your local station if you really appreciate the app).

下载适用于iOS或Android 的应用程序 ,您的孩子可以观看来自好奇的乔治,丹尼尔·老虎的邻居,狂野的克拉茨,衣夹+猫,戴着帽子的猫知道很多的完整集和剪辑,恐龙火车,超级为什么!,自然Cat,Ready Jet Go!和芝麻街。 这就是孩子们喜欢的所有内容,并且您可以信任,并且没有任何广告可担心。 该应用程序也是完全免费的(尽管如果您真的很喜欢该应用程序,则可以随时向您的本地电台捐款)。

Amazon FreeTime Unlimited:按年龄段策划的内容 (Amazon FreeTime Unlimited: Content Curated by Age Group)

The Amazon FreeTime service isn’t free: it costs $3 a month for Amazon Prime subscribers. But it’s probably worth that, and more, because of how much it does.

Amazon FreeTime服务不是免费的:Amazon Prime订户每月花费3美元。 但这值得,甚至更多,因为它做了多少。

There are thousands of kid friendly clips and full episodes from PBS, Disney, and Nickelodeon, on top of a number of books, apps, and games for kids to download for no extra charge, meaning you never have to provide a credit card.


It’s not free like PBS Kids, but there are no ads and seemingly no end to the content. And it’s all tied together with software that can completely lock down one of Amazon’s super affordable tablets, allowing you to turn it into a totally kid-friendly device. (Amazon even sells versions of their tablets for kids, complete with a one-year FreeTime subscription.) There’s even an app for you to control what your kids can and can’t do on their devices. It’s an all-in-one solution worth checking out.

它不是像PBS Kids一样免费,但是没有广告,而且内容似乎没有尽头。 它与所有软件捆绑在一起,可以完全锁定亚马逊的一款超实惠平板电脑,使您可以将其转变为完全适合儿童使用的设备 。 (亚马逊甚至为孩子们出售他们的平板电脑版本,并提供一年的FreeTime订阅 。)甚至还有一个应用程序供您控制孩子在设备上可以做什么和不能做什么。 这是一个值得一试的多合一解决方案。

Netflix:您喜欢的流媒体服务,具有可靠的家长控制 (Netflix: The Streaming Service You Love, With Solid Parental Controls)

If you already pay for Netflix, you’re probably not thrilled with the idea of paying more for a kids-only service. Happily, Netflix has you covered with its Kids Mode. We’ve shown you set up parental controls in Netflix, and it’s fairly extensive. Just create seperate Netflix profiles for everyone in your house, setting what kind of content they’re allowed to see.

如果您已经为Netflix付费,那么您可能不会对为儿童专用服务支付更高的费用感到兴奋。 令人高兴的是,Netflix为您提供了其儿童模式。 我们已经展示了您在Netflix中设置了家长控制功能 ,而且功能相当广泛。 只需为您家中的每个人创建单独的Netflix个人资料 ,并设置允许他们看到的内容。

Then you can lock down the adult profiles with a PIN, so your kids can’t use them. Later you can review what your kids of watched in the Netflix preferences, allowing you to see how much and what they’re watching.

然后,您可以使用PIN码锁定成人个人资料,这样您的孩子就无法使用它们。 稍后,您可以在Netflix首选项中查看您的孩子观看了什么,使您可以查看他们正在观看多少节目。

There’s a lot of kid-specific content here, all from trusted sources. And while it’s not as specifically educational as PBS Kids, you won’t see Peppa Pig getting dismembered, and there are no advertising or unboxing videos to worry about.

这里有很多针对儿童的内容,全部来自受信任的来源。 尽管它不像PBS Kids那样具有特别的教育意义,但您不会看到Peppa Pig被肢解,也无需担心广告或拆箱视频的问题。

如果其他所有方法均失败:下载或翻录他们喜欢的节目 (If All Else Fails: Download or Rip Their Favorite Shows)

If you want full control over what your kids watch, or just want to supplement the above offerings with a show or movie that’s not offered, consider actually buying movies and TV shows for them to watch. You can use Google Play or iTunes depending on your devices, or you can go old-school and actually buy DVDs and Blu-Rays in physical stores. It’s common for such discs to come with a code for use online, but you can also decrypt and rip DVDs and rip Blu-Ray discs to get them onto your child’s tablet. It’s a little bit of work, but it’s worth it.

如果您想完全控制孩子的观看内容,或者只是想用上面未提供的节目或电影来补充以上内容,请考虑实际购买电影和电视节目供他们观看。 您可以根据设备使用Google Play或iTunes,也可以过时并实际在实体商店购买DVD和蓝光光盘。 此类光盘通常带有可在线使用的代码,但是您也可以解密和翻录DVD和蓝光光盘,以将其放入孩子的平板电脑上。 这是一点点的工作,但这是值得的。

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