近日,中国日报记者深度采访了手撕西方媒体的老外内森·里奇 (@NathanRich火锅大王) 。
内森 ·里奇告诉中国日报记者,他联系过优兔,“他们承认在打压我的账号,一切都是有意为之。”
They've admitted that they are aware that they're doing it and thateverything is working as intended.
On YouTube, I have about 450,000 subscribers.
But on the front end, they only show you about 300,000 due to some issues, where they're intentionally hiding my subscriber count. 但在前端,由于某些原因,只显示约三十万粉丝。优兔故意隐藏我的粉丝数。
My videos get demonetized. My subscribers get removed. The likes get removed, the share count... every metric of a success of a channel gets reduced.
As if they want to rub salt into the wound, another thing they do is they boost particularly pro-separatist videos in their ranks.
But instead, what I find is the first top five are the most recent, and then the sixth one is one from two months ago by a known racist person against Chinese people with less views than my pro-China video from two months ago.
内森·里奇“做错”了什么? 因为说了优兔不想听到的真话,所以他们想捂上他的嘴。
内森·里奇满腔愤怒, 在优兔平台,可以高呼“移民应该被枪指着赶出美国”,可以叫嚣“白人至上”,但是,独独不能接受他关于香港的讨论。
他说:“非常明显的是,优兔想要传递一种带有政治倾向的信息(they're trying to promote a political message)。”
The message that they're trying to cultivate is that they are on the side of Hong Kong, because Hong Kong is fighting for democracy and we have democracy and we want them to have a democracy, and so they are the righteous ones and everything that they're doing is right. We need to support them.
优兔想给人们灌输一种思想,那就是,香港正在为“民主”奋斗,我们是“民主”的,所以我们要站在香港一边。 香港抗议者是“正义”的,他们所做的一切都是“正确”的,我们必须支持他们。
And I think there are several problems with that narrative and they don't want to hear it, and they don't want others to hear it.
I think it surprises some people that YouTube is actually active in the content. 有些人可能会吃惊,因为他们不知道优兔其实对于内容是有筛选的。
What YouTube is doing is they're trying to get the best of both of those worlds. What they're doing is they're controlling the content, but not taking responsibility for the content. 优兔企图两个便宜都占了,他们在控制内容却不对内容负责。
最让内森·里奇崩溃的是,巨头优兔形成垄断后就开始不断打压新平台。 这就意味着,@火锅大王 除了在优兔发布视频,别无选择。
The biggest problem with YouTube is that it does all this while it also tries to proactively crush all competition. So it's established a monopoly on the Western media platforms.
So what that means is that somebody like myself, if I want to reach people in the West, I don't have any other options. 这就意味着,像我这样的博主如果想获得西方网友的关注,除了优兔别无选择。
They are removing competition and crushing dissenting voices. They're also not practicing their own freedom of speech. 他们扫清竞争、消灭反对的声音,但也没有履行自己的言论自由的承诺。
在访问@火锅大王 前,CD君在微博上发了一个网友问题征集帖,其中有网友好奇,内森·里奇作为一个美国人,为何要在香港问题上手撕西方媒体呢?
What I see from the West is overwhelmingly only one side of the Hong Kong issue.
I've seen videos of them dragging people out of cars and beating them on the street, throwing Molotov cocktails into police headquarters and all kinds of other violent actions.
My message really is to be fair, to understand the situation and to be honest about the situation. 我想说的是媒体要保持公平,理解局势并诚实地报道局势。
内森·里奇认真分析了西方的主流媒体谈及中国时会用到几种策略,很有趣也让人很不安 (interesting and disturbing) 。
It's quite interesting and disturbing to see because there's so much of it going on that they actually create this bubble, where they know that no one's going to challenge them. And so they get very sloppy and loose with their reporting.
这其实很有趣但也令人不安,因为一种报道声音出现得太多了,他们就制造出了一个幻象。 而且他们知道没人会质疑他们,所以在报道的时候就会更加不严谨、随心所欲。
And they report in ways that they would never be allowed to report about American or British activities or news. So they'll say things that are very easy to fact-check and see that's totally wrong, and yet no one will check them. 他们在用一种报道美英事务时绝不被允许的方式来报道香港。其实 他们的报道很容易进行事实核实,只要核实就会发现,他们说的是完全错的,然而并没有人去核实(香港新闻)。
When we see rioters throwing Molotov cocktails into buildings and then getting tear-gassed, the reports from CNN will say police tear gas protesters.
And then buried somewhere in the article, maybe they'll say “petrol bomb” somewhere in there. But the point of the article, the headline, is that the police did something bad to these innocent protesters. And so that's one example of how they'll do things. 然后在文章某个隐蔽的地方提一句燃烧瓶,但整篇报道大标题是警方对无辜的抗议者施暴,这就是他们报道手法的一个例子。
Technically they're telling the "truth", but they're quite obviously emphasizing something in a way to deemphasize something else. 从技术层面讲,他们报道的似乎是“事实”,但显然他们刻意忽略某些方面,从而达到强调其他方面的效果。
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