21岁波兰女歌手玛格丽特日前一张单曲MV,邀请近临时演员30人全裸入镜拍摄MV。MV中男女演员均大尺度出镜,画面亮爆眼球令人咋舌。这首名为《Thank You Very Much》的单曲MV自2月24日放上YouTube,至今点阅人次已超过180万次。
ASPIRING pop star Margaret knows how to ensure her debut single doesn’t go unnoticed。流行歌手玛格丽特总能想出法子让自己的单曲受关注。
The Polish 21-year-old makes her mark on the entertainment industry courtesy of a video full of completely naked men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes。这位21岁波兰女歌手最近又出新招,在新曲MV中设计了男女老少各色形态的人全裸出镜的视频。
Unsurprisingly, the promo to her catchy summer tune Thank You Very Much has sparked a fair bit of controversy。当然,这支曲调朗朗上口的《Thank You Very Much》也惹来不少争议。
The clip centres on a fictional birthday party thrown for Margaret.MV主要讲的是大家为玛格丽特举办虚拟生日派对的场景。
It kicks off with the singer being chastised by her parents for wearing tummy-baring clothing, leading viewers to believe her attire is considered too risqué for a party with family and friends。视频刚刚开始时,主人公玛格丽特因为穿露脐装而被父母责骂,使得观众认为她的穿着打扮在朋友家人的聚会上太有伤风化。
However, the action then cuts to her mum and dad – who are standing stark naked as they deliver their diatribe。然而,当镜头切到爸爸妈妈时,观众才发现他们是全裸着责备女儿的。