◆ 会议简介:



51st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) 2025

30 March - 2 April 2025

Fortezza Da Basso Congress Venue
Florence, Italy


Abstract submission opens: September 2, 2024

Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2024

Notification letter to abstract authors on acceptance status: February 7, 2025

Oral Schedule sent to abstract authors: February 7, 2025

Poster Schedule* sent to abstract authors: February 7, 2025

Deadline for presenting author change:  March 3, 2025



Physicians Abstract Submission Fee

  • There is a 45 Euro non-refundable submission fee per abstract submitted.


Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your abstract.

Submitters of Physician abstracts are encouraged to complete the "Strategic tools for your papers, presentations, and abstracts: elevate, craft, hone" module from the Chimera e-course, a free open-access resource by the EBMT Trainee Committee.

Submitters of Nurses abstracts are invited to read the Nurses Group Abstract Guidance Document for additional information, and to listen to Episode 7 of the EBMT Nurses Group Podcast "Blood Matters" for advice on writing a compelling abstract (listen on Spotify or YouTube).


How to Submit an Abstract

  • Abstracts must be submitted online through the official abstract submission system.

  • Submission by fax, e-mail, or courier will not be accepted.

  • Abstracts must describe original work.

  • Please create a user account in order to submit an abstract. The account only needs to be created once and can be re-used for additional abstract submissions.

  • The submitter must select the most appropriate topic for the abstract on the submission form. 

  • The submitter must indicate if the authors would prefer an oral or poster presentation. The final decision will be taken by the Scientific Programme Committee, but the authors' preference may be taken into consideration. 

  • Total length of abstract must not exceed 500 words (included in this count: background, methods, results, and conclusions).

  • The body of the abstract will be structured as follows with the following subtitles:

  1. Background

  2. Methods

  3. Results

  4. Conclusions

  5. Image/Graph and/or Table (optional)

1 Image may be included with the following criteria:
Maximum file size 500 kilobytes and a maximum of 600 x 800 pixels. Allowed file types: .gif, .jpg, .png. If your file size or pixel size is too large, you have to resize your graph accordingly.

1 Table may be included with the following criteria:
Maximum number of rows: 20, Maximum number of columns: 20
The table tag or graph tag must be in an editable format and placed into the abstract text to include the table or graph into your publication. The table content does not count against the total word count. Please note that tables included as images will be deleted in the journal publication.

6.  Clinical Trial Registry (if applicable)

7.  Conflict of Interest

If none of the authors have something to declare - please type "Nothing to declare". If there is a need to declare, kindly list each author's name (First, Last) and the disclosure.

  • It is preferable that the Background is stated in one sentence, the Methods kept to a brief description, that the Results are summarized and presented in sufficient detail to support the Conclusions. Note that it is not recommended to postulate that “the results will be discussed during the oral presentation” or that “other data will be presented later”.

  • Use standard abbreviations where appropriate. Include any other abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears.

  • Authors: All author full names should be included in the order they will appear in publication. Ensure that the correct spelling is confirmed for all contributing authors, as no amendment will be permitted after the submission deadline.

  • Affiliations: Each affiliation should be specified. Affiliations should include institution/hospital name, and the location (city, state or province, country). Do NOT include department, faculty, or unit names.

  • Trademarks: If brand names and trademarks are included, it is required that the appropriate corresponding symbols are used consistently, as well as, any potential conflicts of interests clearly stated.

  • You must complete all the online stages of abstract submission. Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed.

  • After completing your abstract submission you will receive a confirmation email with an abstract number. Please save this email for your personal record.

  • Abstracts can only be submitted in English. EBMT will not translate abstracts. We encourage non-English-speaking authors to have their abstracts checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission.

  • EBMT is not responsible for errors in the abstract submission. It is important that you read your text to ensure accuracy with no spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections will be accepted after the abstract submission deadline and the abstract will be published exactly as submitted.


Abstract Modification

  • Abstracts can be saved as a draft to be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline. Minor edits can also be made to a submitted abstract until the submission deadline.



  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the presenting author to attend the Annual Meeting of the EBMT and present the abstract (if accepted) orally or as a poster in the session and at the time assigned by the Scientific Program Committee.

  • All submitting authors must consent to the Declaration Statement on behalf of her/his co-authors in order for the abstract to be accepted for submission. This includes the certification that any work with human or animal subjects related in this abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures as set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki and related publications.



  • All contributors must provide original material to be submitted for publication in Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal. Abstracts that were previously published will not be included in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal.

  • Authors retain copyright and are free to reuse their own work with full citation to the original published work.

  • All material should be original and not previously published. If a table or figure has been published before, the authors must obtain written permission to reproduce the material in both print and electronic formats from the copyright owner. This rule applies for data, quoted text, illustrations and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source must be cited in the figure caption or table footnote.


Encore Abstracts

  • The submission of encore abstracts is permitted if all authors are in agreement, the abstract was previously published, and it is indicated on the submission form. 


Conflict of Interest Disclosure

  • All submitting authors must disclose, on behalf of all other authors of the abstracts, any conflicts of interest during the online abstract submission or have their work refused at the discretion of the organizing committee. All disclosures will be published in the abstracts.

  • When you submit your abstract online, you will be asked to indicate if the authors now or in the past 12 months have had a significant financial interest or other relationship with commercial companies or other entities whose products or services you may discuss in your presentation, or who are supporting this activity. For any of the following relationship categories that apply to each author, you will be asked to indicate the relationship and name the commercial entities involved: 1. Funding; 2. Employment; 3. Personal Financial Interest.

  • We request all presenters to cooperate by declaring any potential conflict of interest on their slides or posters.





EBMT2025 注册费:

Register to Attend In-person


Register to Attend Virtually