
OneForAll v0.4.3


|   .gitignore
|   .travis.yml

|   brute.py        


|   collect.py      


|   dbexport.py     


|   Dockerfile

|   oneforall.py    


|   Pipfile
|   Pipfile.lock
|   README.en.md
|   README.md
|   requirements.txt

|   takeover.py     


|   _config.yml
|   |       bug_report.md
|   |       bug_report_zh.md
|   |       custom.md
|   |       feature_request.md
|   |
|   \---workflows
|           test.yml
+---common 公共调用模块
|       crawl.py
|       database.py
|       domain.py
|       lookup.py
|       module.py
|       query.py
|       request.py
|       resolve.py
|       search.py
|       utils.py
|       __init__.py
+---config 配置目录

|       api.py      


|       log.py      


|       setting.py  


+---data 存放一些所需数据

|       authoritative_dns.txt   


|       subnames_big.7z        


|       nameservers_cn.txt      


|       fingerprints.json       检查子域接管风险的指纹
|       nameservers.txt         全球主流名称服务器IP地址
|       subnames_next.txt       下一层子域字典
|       public_suffix_list.dat  顶级域名后缀
|       srv_prefixes.json       常见SRV记录前缀名
|       subnames.txt            子域爆破常见字典
+---docs 有关文档
|       changes.md
|       collection_modules.md
|       contributors.md
|       installation_dependency.md
|       todo.md
|       troubleshooting.md
|       usage_example.svg
|       usage_help.en.md
|       usage_help.md
|       Database.png
|       Donate.png
|       Result.png
|   +---autotake 自动接管模块
|   |       github.py
|   |
|   +---certificates 利用证书透明度收集子域模块
|   |       censys_api.py
|   |       certspotter.py
|   |       crtsh.py
|   |       entrust.py
|   |       google.py
|   |       spyse_api.py
|   |
|   +---check 常规检查收集子域模块
|   |       axfr.py
|   |       cdx.py
|   |       cert.py
|   |       csp.py
|   |       robots.py
|   |       sitemap.py
|   |
|   +---crawl 利用网上爬虫档案收集子域模块
|   |       archivecrawl.py
|   |       commoncrawl.py
|   |
|   +---datasets 利用DNS数据集收集子域模块
|   |       binaryedge_api.py
|   |       bufferover.py
|   |       cebaidu.py
|   |       chinaz.py
|   |       chinaz_api.py
|   |       circl_api.py
|   |       dnsdb_api.py
|   |       dnsdumpster.py
|   |       hackertarget.py
|   |       ip138.py
|   |       ipv4info_api.py
|   |       netcraft.py
|   |       passivedns_api.py
|   |       ptrarchive.py
|   |       qianxun.py
|   |       rapiddns.py
|   |       riddler.py
|   |       robtex.py
|   |       securitytrails_api.py
|   |       sitedossier.py
|   |       threatcrowd.py
|   |       wzpc.py
|   |       ximcx.py
|   |
|   +---dnsquery 利用DNS查询收集子域模块
|   |       mx.py
|   |       ns.py
|   |       soa.py
|   |       srv.py
|   |       txt.py
|   |
|   +---intelligence 利用威胁情报平台数据收集子域模块
|   |       alienvault.py
|   |       riskiq_api.py
|   |       threatbook_api.py
|   |       threatminer.py
|   |       virustotal.py
|   |       virustotal_api.py
|   |
|   \---search 利用搜索引擎发现子域模块
|           ask.py
|           baidu.py
|           bing.py
|           bing_api.py
|           exalead.py
|           fofa_api.py
|           gitee.py
|           github_api.py
|           google.py
|           google_api.py
|           shodan_api.py
|           so.py
|           sogou.py
|           yahoo.py
|           yandex.py
|           zoomeye_api.py
+---results 结果目录
+---test 测试目录
|       example.py
\---thirdparty 存放要调用的三方工具
       |   LICENSE
       |   massdns_darwin_x86_64
       |   massdns_linux_i686
       |   massdns_linux_x86_64
       |   README.md
           |       cygwin1.dll
           |       massdns_windows_amd64.exe


# Beautiful Soup 是一个可以从HTML或XML文件中提取数据的Python库.


# 判断编码
# 终端颜色显示
# Dns查询工具包
# Exrex 是一个命令行工具和 python 模块,可生成与给定正则表达式等的所有或随机匹配的字符串。
# Python Fire 是一个用于从绝对任何 Python 对象自动生成命令行界面 (CLI) 的库。
https://github.com/google/python-fire https://blog.csdn.net/qq_17550379/article/details/79943740
# 并行
# 日志模块
# 代理模块
# 网页请求模块
# 兼容性
# css选择
# Python SQL 工具包和对象关系映射器
# 简化将重试行为添加到几乎任何内容的任务
# 终端颜色
# 进度显示
# 在 Python 中提供树数据结构的有效实现
# 网页请求
# 一个小的 Python 实用程序,用于在 Windows 上设置文件创建时间。

0x1 流程总结


0x2 流程分析

0x2.1 run()


for domain in self.domains:
   self.domain = utils.get_main_domain(domain)
   # 注册域名
def get_main_domain(domain):
   if not isinstance(domain, str):
       return None
   return Domain(domain).registered()
# Domain类
class Domain(object):
   def __init__(self, string):
       self.string = str(string)
       self.regexp = r'\b((?=[a-z0-9-]{1,63}\.)(xn--)?[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,63}\b'
       self.domain = None
       # 初始化
   def registered(self):
      registered domain

      >>> d = Domain('www.example.com')
      <domain.Domain object>
      >>> d.registered()

      :return: registered domain result
       result = self.extract()
       if result:
           return result.registered_domain
       return None
       # 注册&解析(非dns解析)域名变量

0x2.2 main()

// 调用OneForAll类 main方法


def init_table(domain):
   db = Database()

if self.access_internet:
   self.enable_wildcard = wildcard.detect_wildcard(self.domain)
   # 泛域名解析
collect = Collect(self.domain)
   # 跑collect模块
def to_detect_wildcard(domain):
  Detect use wildcard dns record or not

  :param str domain: domain
  :return bool use wildcard dns record or not
   logger.log('INFOR', f'Detecting {domain} use wildcard dns record or not')
   random_subdomains = gen_random_subdomains(domain, 3) # 随机生成子域名
   if not all_resolve_success(random_subdomains):
       return False
   is_all_success, all_request_resp = all_request_success(random_subdomains)
   if not is_all_success:
       return True
   return any_similar_html(all_request_resp)
def gen_random_subdomains(domain, count):

  :param domain: 主域
  :param count: 数量
   subdomains = set()
   if count < 1:
       return subdomains
   for _ in range(count):
       token = secrets.token_hex(4)
   return subdomains

0x2.2.2 Collect()模块


class Collect(object):
   def __init__(self, domain):
       self.domain = domain
       self.modules = []
       self.collect_funcs = []
   def run(self):
      Class entrance
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Start collecting subdomains of {self.domain}')
       # 注意上面这两个函数
       threads = []
       # Create subdomain collection threads
       for func_obj, func_name in self.collect_funcs:
           thread = threading.Thread(target=func_obj, name=func_name,
                                     args=(self.domain,), daemon=True)
       # Start all threads
       for thread in threads:
       # Wait for all threads to finish
       for thread in threads:
           # 挨个线程判断超时 最坏情况主线程阻塞时间=线程数*module_thread_timeout
           # 超时线程将脱离主线程 由于创建线程时已添加守护属于 所有超时线程会随着主线程结束

       for thread in threads:
           if thread.is_alive():
               logger.log('ALERT', f'{thread.name} module thread timed out')
def get_mod(self):
      Get modules
      if settings.enable_all_module:
          # The crawl module has some problems
          modules = ['certificates', 'check', 'datasets',
                     'dnsquery', 'intelligence', 'search']
          for module in modules:
              module_path = settings.module_dir.joinpath(module)
              for path in module_path.rglob('*.py'):
                  import_module = f'modules.{module}.{path.stem}'
                  # modules文件导入
          self.modules = settings.enable_partial_module

def import_func(self):
    Import do function
   for module in self.modules:
       name = module.split('.')[-1]
       import_object = importlib.import_module(module)
       func = getattr(import_object, 'run')
       self.collect_funcs.append([func, name])
       # 获取module每个py文件run方法

for func_obj, func_name in self.collect_funcs:
           thread = threading.Thread(target=func_obj, name=func_name,
                                     args=(self.domain,), daemon=True)



from common.query import Query

class CensysAPI(Query):
def run():
       self.query() // 除了query,其他方法均继承与Query类
from common.module import Module

class Query(Module):
  Query base class
  def __init__(self):
class Module(object):
   def __init__(self):
       self.module = 'Module'
       self.source = 'BaseModule'
       self.cookie = None
       self.header = dict()
       self.proxy = None
       self.delay = 1  # 请求睡眠时延
       self.timeout = settings.request_timeout_second  # 请求超时时间
       self.verify = settings.request_ssl_verify  # 请求SSL验证
       self.domain = str()  # 当前进行子域名收集的主域
       self.subdomains = set()  # 存放发现的子域
       self.infos = dict()  # 存放子域有关信息
       self.results = list()  # 存放模块结果
       self.start = time.time()  # 模块开始执行时间
       self.end = None  # 模块结束执行时间
       self.elapse = None  # 模块执行耗时
   def begin(self):
      begin log
       logger.log('DEBUG', f'Start {self.source} module to '
                           f'collect subdomains of {self.domain}')

   def finish(self):
      finish log
       self.end = time.time()
       self.elapse = round(self.end - self.start, 1)
       logger.log('DEBUG', f'Finished {self.source} module to '
                           f'collect {self.domain}\'s subdomains')
       logger.log('INFOR', f'{self.source} module took {self.elapse} seconds '
                           f'found {len(self.subdomains)} subdomains')
       logger.log('DEBUG', f'{self.source} module found subdomains of {self.domain}\n'
       # 重写了get,post,head等请求
   def save_json(self):
      Save the results of each module as a json file

      :return bool: whether saved successfully
       if not settings.save_module_result:
           return False
       logger.log('TRACE', f'Save the subdomain results found by '
                           f'{self.source} module as a json file')
       path = settings.result_save_dir.joinpath(self.domain, self.module)
       path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
       name = self.source + '.json'
       path = path.joinpath(name)
       with open(path, mode='w', errors='ignore') as file:
           result = {'domain': self.domain,
                     'name': self.module,
                     'source': self.source,
                     'elapse': self.elapse,
                     'find': len(self.subdomains),
                     'subdomains': list(self.subdomains),
                     'infos': self.infos}
           json.dump(result, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
       return True

   def gen_result(self):
      Generate results
       logger.log('DEBUG', f'Generating final results')
       if not len(self.subdomains):  # 该模块一个子域都没有发现的情况
           logger.log('DEBUG', f'{self.source} module result is empty')
           result = {'id': None,
                     'alive': None,
                     'request': None,
                     'resolve': None,
                     'url': None,
                     'subdomain': None,
                     'port': None,
                     'level': None,
                     'cname': None,
                     'ip': None,
                     'public': None,
                     'cdn': None,
                     'status': None,
                     'reason': None,
                     'title': None,
                     'banner': None,
                     'header': None,
                     'history': None,
                     'response': None,
                     'ip_times': None,
                     'cname_times': None,
                     'ttl': None,
                     'cidr': None,
                     'asn': None,
                     'org': None,
                     'addr': None,
                     'isp': None,
                     'resolver': None,
                     'module': self.module,
                     'source': self.source,
                     'elapse': self.elapse,
                     'find': None}
           for subdomain in self.subdomains:
               url = 'http://' + subdomain
               level = subdomain.count('.') - self.domain.count('.')
               info = self.infos.get(subdomain)
               if info is None:
                   info = dict()
               cname = info.get('cname')
               ip = info.get('ip')
               ip_times = info.get('ip_times')
               cname_times = info.get('cname_times')
               ttl = info.get('ttl')
               if isinstance(cname, list):
                   cname = ','.join(cname)
                   ip = ','.join(ip)
                   ip_times = ','.join([str(num) for num in ip_times])
                   cname_times = ','.join([str(num) for num in cname_times])
                   ttl = ','.join([str(num) for num in ttl])
               result = {'id': None,
                         'alive': info.get('alive'),
                         'request': info.get('request'),
                         'resolve': info.get('resolve'),
                         'url': url,
                         'subdomain': subdomain,
                         'port': 80,
                         'level': level,
                         'cname': cname,
                         'ip': ip,
                         'public': info.get('public'),
                         'cdn': info.get('cdn'),
                         'status': None,
                         'reason': info.get('reason'),
                         'title': None,
                         'banner': None,
                         'header': None,
                         'history': None,
                         'response': None,
                         'ip_times': ip_times,
                         'cname_times': cname_times,
                         'ttl': ttl,
                         'cidr': info.get('cidr'),
                         'asn': info.get('asn'),
                         'org': info.get('org'),
                         'addr': info.get('addr'),
                         'isp': info.get('isp'),
                         'resolver': info.get('resolver'),
                         'module': self.module,
                         'source': self.source,
                         'elapse': self.elapse,
                         'find': len(self.subdomains)}
   def save_db(self):
      Save module results into the database
       logger.log('DEBUG', f'Saving results to database')
       db = Database()
       db.save_db(self.domain, self.results, self.source)


def run():
       self.begin() # 输出日志
       self.query() # 除了query,其他方法均继承与Query类
       self.finish() # 输出日志,计算query用了多少时间
       self.save_json() # 保存json
name = self.source + '.json'
   path = path.joinpath(name)
   with open(path, mode='w', errors='ignore') as file:
  result = {'domain': self.domain,
  'name': self.module,
           'source': self.source,
           'elapse': self.elapse,
           'find': len(self.subdomains),
           'subdomains': list(self.subdomains),
           'infos': self.infos}
   json.dump(result, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
result = ......
db.save_db(self.domain, self.results, self.source) # 重点可以如何存储的数据
def save_db(self, table_name, results, module_name=None):
   table_name = table_name.replace('.', '_')
   if results:
  self.conn.bulk_query(insert data sql)
  # self.conn = self.get_conn(db_path)
  # return db.get_connection()
  # Connection(self._engine.connect())
def bulk_query(self, query, *multiparams):
self._conn.execute(text(query), *multiparams)
  # self._conn = Connection(self._engine.connect())
# 这里挺绕的😅
  • collect模块跑完了,最终数据都在self.results(这其中,跑完一个小模块,存数据,边跑边存)

    • 注意:此时的数据还未进行解析验证、http请求等

    • 后续还有对其导出再删除表再新建表重新插入数据的操作


0x2.2.3 BruteSRV

# 回到 oneforall.py - 161行
srv = BruteSRV(self.domain)
class BruteSRV(Module):
   def __init__(self, domain):
       self.domain = domain
       self.module = 'BruteSRV'
       self.source = "BruteSRV"
       self.qtype = 'SRV'
       self.thread_num = 20
       self.names_queue = queue.Queue()
       self.answers_queue = queue.Queue()
   def run(self):
       self.begin() # 继承的,跟上面一样
       self.fill_queue() # 读取 srv_prefixes.json
       self.do_brute()  # 多线程爆破
       self.deal_answers() #
# 继承于Module.py
   path = data_storage_dir.joinpath('srv_prefixes.json')
   prefixes = utils.load_json(path)
   for prefix in prefixes:
   self.names_queue.put(prefix + self.domain)

def do_brute(self):
   for num in range(self.thread_num):
       thread = BruteThread(self.names_queue, self.answers_queue)
       # 类继承方式 多线程
       thread.name = f'BruteThread-{num}'
       thread.daemon = True

    def deal_answers(self):
       while not self.answers_queue.empty():
           answer = self.answers_queue.get()
           if answer is None:
           for item in answer:
               record = str(item)
               subdomains = self.match_subdomains(record)
               self.subdomains.update(subdomains) # set集合存结果

0x2.2.4 brute模块

# 爆破模块, 调用brute.py文件
if self.brute:
   # Due to there will be a large number of dns resolution requests,
   # may cause other network tasks to be error
   brute = Brute(self.domain, word=True, export=False)
   brute.enable_wildcard = self.enable_wildcard
   brute.in_china = self.in_china
   brute.quite = True
    def main(self, domain):
       start = time.time()
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Blasting {domain} ')
       massdns_dir = settings.third_party_dir.joinpath('massdns')
       result_dir = settings.result_save_dir
       temp_dir = result_dir.joinpath('temp')
       massdns_path = utils.get_massdns_path(massdns_dir)
       timestring = utils.get_timestring()

       wildcard_ips = list()  # 泛解析IP列表
       wildcard_ttl = int()  # 泛解析TTL整型值
       ns_list = query_domain_ns(self.domain)
       ns_ip_list = query_domain_ns_a(ns_list)  # DNS权威名称服务器对应A记录列表
       if self.enable_wildcard is None:
           self.enable_wildcard = wildcard.detect_wildcard(domain)

       if self.enable_wildcard:
           wildcard_ips, wildcard_ttl = wildcard.collect_wildcard_record(domain, ns_ip_list)
       ns_path = utils.get_ns_path(self.in_china, self.enable_wildcard, ns_ip_list)

       dict_set = self.gen_brute_dict(domain)
       # 生成字典
    def gen_brute_dict(self, domain):
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Generating dictionary for {domain}')
       dict_set = set()
       # 如果domain不是self.subdomain 而是self.domain的子域则生成递归爆破字典
       if self.word:
           self.place = ''
       if not self.place:
           self.place = '*.' + domain
       wordlist = self.wordlist
       main_domain = utils.get_main_domain(domain)
       if domain != main_domain:
           wordlist = self.recursive_nextlist
       if self.word:
           word_subdomains = gen_word_subdomains(self.place, wordlist)
       if self.fuzz:
           fuzz_subdomains = gen_fuzz_subdomains(self.place, self.rule, self.fuzzlist)
       count = len(dict_set)
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Dictionary size: {count}')
       if count > 10000000:
           logger.log('ALERT', f'The generated dictionary is '
                               f'too large {count} > 10000000')
       return dict_set
dict_name = f'generated_subdomains_{domain}_{timestring}.txt'
       dict_path = temp_dir.joinpath(dict_name)
       save_brute_dict(dict_path, dict_set)
       del dict_set

       output_name = f'resolved_result_{domain}_{timestring}.json'
       output_path = temp_dir.joinpath(output_name)
       log_path = result_dir.joinpath('massdns.log')
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Running massdns to brute subdomains')
       utils.call_massdns(massdns_path, dict_path, ns_path, output_path,
                          log_path, quiet_mode=self.quite,
       # 调用massdns进行暴力破解
       appear_times = stat_appear_times(output_path)
       self.infos, self.subdomains = deal_output(output_path, appear_times,
                                                 wildcard_ips, wildcard_ttl)
       delete_file(dict_path, output_path)
       end = time.time()
       self.elapse = round(end - start, 1)
       logger.log('ALERT', f'{self.source} module takes {self.elapse} seconds, '
                           f'found {len(self.subdomains)} subdomains of {domain}')
       logger.log('DEBUG', f'{self.source} module found subdomains of {domain}: '
       return self.subdomains
# call_massdns函数cmd
massdns.exe .......

0x2.2.5 数据处理

def deal_data(domain):
   db = Database()
    def remove_invalid(self, table_name):
      Remove nulls or invalid subdomains in the table

      :param str table_name: table name
       table_name = table_name.replace('.', '_')
       logger.log('TRACE', f'Removing invalid subdomains in {table_name} table')
       self.query(f'delete from "{table_name}" where '
                  f'subdomain is null or resolve == 0')
       # 移除无效数据
    def deduplicate_subdomain(self, table_name):
      Deduplicate subdomains in the table

      :param str table_name: table name
       table_name = table_name.replace('.', '_')
       logger.log('TRACE', f'Deduplicating subdomains in {table_name} table')
       self.query(f'delete from "{table_name}" where '
                  f'id not in (select min(id) '
                  f'from "{table_name}" group by subdomain)')
       # 数据去重


if not self.dns:
  self.data = self.export_data()# 导出数据
  self.datas.extend(self.data)# self.datas新列表存储数据
  return self.data   #
self.data = self.export_data()
def export_data(self):
  Export data from the database

  :return: exported data
  :rtype: list
   return export.export_data(self.domain, alive=self.alive, fmt=self.fmt, path=self.path)
def export_data(target, db=None, alive=False, limit=None, path=None, fmt='csv', show=False):
  OneForAll export from database module

      python3 export.py --target name --fmt csv --dir= ./result.csv
      python3 export.py --target name --tb True --show False
      python3 export.py --db result.db --target name --show False

      --fmt csv/json (result format)
      --path   Result directory (default directory is ./results)

  :param str target: Table to be exported
  :param str db:     Database path to be exported (default ./results/result.sqlite3)
  :param bool alive:   Only export the results of alive subdomains (default False)
  :param str limit:   Export limit (default None)
  :param str fmt:     Result format (default csv)
  :param str path:   Result directory (default None)
  :param bool show:   Displays the exported data in terminal (default False)

   database = Database(db)
   domains = utils.get_domains(target)
   datas = list()
   if domains:
       for domain in domains:
           table_name = domain.replace('.', '_')
           rows = database.export_data(table_name, alive, limit) # !!!
           if rows is None:
           data, _, _ = do_export(fmt, path, rows, show, domain, target)# !!!
   if len(domains) > 1:
       utils.export_all(alive, fmt, path, datas) # !!!
   return datas
    def export_data(self, table_name, alive, limit):
      Get part of the data in the table

      :param str table_name: table name
      :param any alive: alive flag
      :param str limit: limit value
       table_name = table_name.replace('.', '_')
       sql = f'select id, alive, request, resolve, url, subdomain, level,' \
             f'cname, ip, public, cdn, port, status, reason, title, banner,' \
             f'cidr, asn, org, addr, isp, source from "{table_name}" '
       if alive and limit:
           if limit in ['resolve', 'request']:
               where = f' where {limit} = 1'
               sql += where
       elif alive:
           where = f' where alive = 1'
           sql += where
       sql += ' order by subdomain'
       logger.log('TRACE', f'Get the data from {table_name} table')
       return self.query(sql)
def do_export(fmt, path, rows, show, domain, target):
   fmt = utils.check_format(fmt)
   path = utils.check_path(path, target, fmt)
   if show:
   data = rows.export(fmt)
   utils.save_to_file(path, data)
   logger.log('ALERT', f'The subdomain result for {domain}: {path}')
   data = rows.as_dict()
   return data, fmt, path
def export_all(alive, fmt, path, datas):

  :param bool alive: 只导出存活子域结果
  :param str fmt: 导出文件格式
  :param str path: 导出文件路径
  :param list datas: 待导出的结果数据
   fmt = check_format(fmt)
   timestamp = get_timestring()
   name = f'all_subdomain_result_{timestamp}'
   export_all_results(path, name, fmt, datas)
   export_all_subdomains(alive, path, name, datas)
def export_all_results(path, name, fmt, datas):
   path = check_path(path, name, fmt)
   logger.log('ALERT', f'The subdomain result for all main domains: {path}')
   row_list = list()
   for row in datas:
       if 'header' in row:
       if 'response' in row:
       keys = row.keys()
       values = row.values()
       row_list.append(Record(keys, values))
   rows = RecordCollection(iter(row_list)) //!!!
   content = rows.export(fmt)
   save_to_file(path, content)
def export_all_subdomains(alive, path, name, datas):
   path = check_path(path, name, 'txt')
   logger.log('ALERT', f'The txt subdomain result for all main domains: {path}')
   subdomains = set()
   for row in datas:
       subdomain = row.get('subdomain')
       if alive:
           if not row.get('alive'):
   data = '\n'.join(subdomains)
   save_to_file(path, data)
self.data = utils.get_data(self.domain)
def get_data(domain):
   db = Database()
   data = db.get_data(domain).as_dict() # !!!
   return data
    def get_data(self, table_name):
      Get all the data in the table

      :param str table_name: table name
       table_name = table_name.replace('.', '_')
       logger.log('TRACE', f'Get all the data from {table_name} table')
       return self.query(f'select * from "{table_name}"')
def as_dict(self, ordered=False):
       return self.all(as_dict=not (ordered), as_ordereddict=ordered)
    def all(self, as_dict=False, as_ordereddict=False):
       """Returns a list of all rows for the RecordCollection. If they haven't
      been fetched yet, consume the iterator and cache the results."""

       # By calling list it calls the __iter__ method
       rows = list(self)

       if as_dict:
           return [r.as_dict() for r in rows]
       elif as_ordereddict:
           return [r.as_dict(ordered=True) for r in rows]

       return rows
   # OrderedDict迭代器
def clear_data(domain):
   db = Database()
   # 删除表
   # 此时表里的数据未进行resolve, http req, 前面由get_data取出了再删除

0x2.2.7 DNS解析验证

self.data = resolve.run_resolve(self.domain, self.data)
resolve.save_db(self.domain, self.data)
def run_resolve(domain, data):

  :param str domain: 待解析的主域
  :param list data: 待解析的子域数据列表
  :return: 解析得到的结果列表
  :rtype: list
   logger.log('INFOR', f'Start resolving subdomains of {domain}')
   subdomains = filter_subdomain(data)
   if not subdomains:
       return data

   massdns_dir = settings.third_party_dir.joinpath('massdns')
   result_dir = settings.result_save_dir
   temp_dir = result_dir.joinpath('temp')
   massdns_path = utils.get_massdns_path(massdns_dir)
   timestring = utils.get_timestring()

   save_name = f'collected_subdomains_{domain}_{timestring}.txt'
   save_path = temp_dir.joinpath(save_name)
   save_subdomains(save_path, subdomains)
   del subdomains

   output_name = f'resolved_result_{domain}_{timestring}.json'
   output_path = temp_dir.joinpath(output_name)
   log_path = result_dir.joinpath('massdns.log')
   ns_path = utils.get_ns_path()

   logger.log('INFOR', f'Running massdns to resolve subdomains')
   utils.call_massdns(massdns_path, save_path, ns_path,
                      output_path, log_path, quiet_mode=True)

   infos = deal_output(output_path)
   data = update_data(data, infos)
   logger.log('INFOR', f'Finished resolve subdomains of {domain}')
   return data
def call_massdns(massdns_path, dict_path, ns_path, output_path, log_path,
                query_type='A', process_num=1, concurrent_num=10000,
   logger.log('DEBUG', 'Start running massdns')
   quiet = ''
   if quiet_mode:
       quiet = '--quiet'
   status_format = settings.brute_status_format
   socket_num = settings.brute_socket_num
   resolve_num = settings.brute_resolve_num
   cmd = f'{massdns_path} {quiet} --status-format {status_format} ' \
         f'--processes {process_num} --socket-count {socket_num} ' \
         f'--hashmap-size {concurrent_num} --resolvers {ns_path} ' \
         f'--resolve-count {resolve_num} --type {query_type} ' \
         f'--flush --output J --outfile {output_path} ' \
         f'--root --error-log {log_path} {dict_path} --filter OK ' \
         f'--sndbuf 0 --rcvbuf 0'
   logger.log('DEBUG', f'Run command {cmd}')
   subprocess.run(args=cmd, shell=True)
   logger.log('DEBUG', f'Finished massdns')
resolve.save_db(self.domain, self.data)
def save_db(name, data):
  Save resolved results to database

  :param str name: table name
  :param list data: data to be saved
   logger.log('INFOR', f'Saving resolved results')
   utils.save_to_db(name, data, 'resolve') // !!!
def save_to_db(name, data, module):
  Save request results to database

  :param str name: table name
  :param list data: data to be saved
  :param str module: module name
   db = Database()
   db.save_db(name, data, module)
if not self.req:    # 如果没有req
   self.data = self.export_data()
   return self.data
   # 跟前面相同
if self.enable_wildcard: # 如果有泛解析
   # deal wildcard
   self.data = wildcard.deal_wildcard(self.data)
# HTTP request
request.run_request(self.domain, self.data, self.port)
self.data = wildcard.deal_wildcard(self.data)
def deal_wildcard(data):
   new_data = list()
   appear_times = stat_times(data)
   for info in data:
       subdomain = info.get('subdomain')
       isvalid, reason = check_valid_subdomain(appear_times, info)
       logger.log('DEBUG', f'{subdomain} is {isvalid} subdomain reason because {reason}')
       if isvalid:
           new_data.append(info) # !!!
   return new_data

0x2.2.8 http请求验证模块

utils.clear_data(self.domain)   # 跟上一样
request.run_request(self.domain, self.data, self.port) # 跑req,更新数据
def run_request(domain, data, port):
  HTTP request entrance

  :param str domain: domain to be requested
  :param list data: subdomains data to be requested
  :param any port: range of ports to be requested
  :return list: result
   logger.log('INFOR', f'Start requesting subdomains of {domain}')
   data = utils.set_id_none(data)
   ports = get_port_seq(port)
   req_data, req_urls = gen_req_data(data, ports)
   bulk_request(domain, req_data)
   count = utils.count_alive(domain)
   logger.log('INFOR', f'Found that {domain} has {count} alive subdomains')
def bulk_request(domain, req_data, ret=False):
   logger.log('INFOR', 'Requesting urls in bulk')
   resp_queue = Queue()
   urls_queue = Queue()
   task_count = len(req_data)
   for index, info in enumerate(req_data):
       url = info.get('url')
       urls_queue.put((index, url))
   session = get_session()
   thread_count = req_thread_count()
   if task_count <= thread_count:
       # 如果请求任务数很小不用创建很多线程了
       thread_count = task_count
   bar = get_progress_bar(task_count)

   progress_thread = Thread(target=progress, name='ProgressThread',
                            args=(bar, task_count, urls_queue), daemon=True)

   for i in range(thread_count):
       request_thread = Thread(target=request, name=f'RequestThread-{i}',
                               args=(urls_queue, resp_queue, session), daemon=True)
   if ret:
       return resp_queue
   save_thread = Thread(target=save, name=f'SaveThread',
                        args=(domain, task_count, req_data, resp_queue), daemon=True)

0x2.2.9 爬取解析模块

# Finder module
if settings.enable_finder_module:
   finder = Finder()
   finder.run(self.domain, self.data, self.port)
def run(self, domain, data, port):
   logger.log('INFOR', f'Start Finder module')
   existing_subdomains = set(map(lambda x: x.get('subdomain'), data))  # 已有的子域
   found_subdomains = find_subdomains(domain, data) # !!! 主要功能在此函数
   new_subdomains = found_subdomains - existing_subdomains
   if not len(new_subdomains):
   self.finish()  # 未发现新的子域就直接返回
   self.subdomains = new_subdomains
   resolved_data = resolve.run_resolve(domain, self.results)
   request.run_request(domain, resolved_data, port)
# https://github.com/GerbenJavado/LinkFinder
def find_subdomains(domain, data):
   subdomains = set()
   js_urls = set()
   db = Database()
   for infos in data:
       jump_history = infos.get('history')
       req_url = infos.get('url')
       subdomains.update(find_in_history(domain, req_url, jump_history))
    # URL跳转历史中查找子域名
       rsp_html = db.get_resp_by_url(domain, req_url)
       if not rsp_html:
           logger.log('DEBUG', f'an abnormal response occurred in the request {req_url}')
       subdomains.update(find_in_resp(domain, req_url, rsp_html))
       # 返回内容种查找子域名
       js_urls.update(find_js_urls(domain, req_url, rsp_html))
# js中查找子域名
   req_data = convert_to_dict(js_urls)
   resp_data = request.bulk_request(domain, req_data, ret=True)
   while not resp_data.empty():
       _, resp = resp_data.get()
       if not isinstance(resp, Response):
       text = utils.decode_resp_text(resp)
       subdomains.update(find_in_resp(domain, resp.url, text))
   return subdomains
def find_in_history(domain, url, history):
   logger.log('TRACE', f'matching subdomains from history of {url}')
   return match_subdomains(domain, history)
def find_in_resp(domain, url, html):
   logger.log('TRACE', f'matching subdomains from response of {url}')
   return match_subdomains(domain, html)
def find_js_urls(domain, req_url, rsp_html):
   js_urls = set()
   new_urls = find_new_urls(rsp_html)
   if not new_urls:
       return js_urls
   for rel_url in new_urls:
       url = convert_url(req_url, rel_url)
       if not filter_url(domain, url):
   return js_urls

0x2.2.10 子域置换模块

# altdns module
if settings.enable_altdns_module:
altdns = Altdns(self.domain)
altdns.run(self.data, self.port)
# 根据已有的子域,使用子域替换技术再次发现新的子域
    def run(self, data, port):
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Start altdns module')
       self.now_subdomains = utils.get_subdomains(data)
       self.subdomains = self.new_subdomains - self.now_subdomains
       count = len(self.subdomains)
       logger.log('INFOR', f'The altdns module generated {count} new subdomains')
       self.end = time.time()
       self.elapse = round(self.end - self.start, 1)
       resolved_data = resolve.run_resolve(self.domain, self.results)
       valid_data = wildcard.deal_wildcard(resolved_data)  # 强制开启泛解析处理
       request.run_request(self.domain, valid_data, port)
self.get_words()    # 得到words,words来源./data/altdns_wordlist.txt
self.extract_words() # 根据目标的域命名约定扩展字典
    def get_words(self):
       path = settings.data_storage_dir.joinpath('altdns_wordlist.txt')
       with open(path) as fd:
           for line in fd:
               word = line.lower().strip()
               if word:
                   # 读取altdns_wordlist.txt内容, 生成words元组
def extract_words(self):
      Extend the dictionary based on target's domain naming conventions

      for subdomain in self.now_subdomains:
          _, parts = split_domain(subdomain)
          tokens = set(itertools.chain(*[word.lower().split('-') for word in parts]))
          tokens = tokens.union({word.lower() for word in parts})
          for token in tokens:
              if len(token) >= self.wordlen:
                  # 从上面收集的数据中,得到words
                  # eg: xiaotao.tao.com -> token=xiaotao
    def gen_new_subdomains(self):
       for subdomain in self.now_subdomains:
           subname, parts = split_domain(subdomain)
           subnames = subname.split('.')
           if settings.altdns_increase_num:
       # test.1.foo.example.com -> test.2.foo.example.com, test.3.foo.example.com, ...
       # test1.example.com -> test2.example.com, test3.example.com, ...
       # test01.example.com -> test02.example.com, test03.example.com, ...
           if settings.altdns_decrease_num:
       # test.4.foo.example.com -> test.3.foo.example.com, test.2.foo.example.com, ...
       # test4.example.com -> test3.example.com, test2.example.com, ...
       # test04.example.com -> test03.example.com, test02.example.com, ...
           if settings.altdns_replace_word:
       # WORD1.1.foo.example.com -> WORD2.1.foo.example.com,
       #                           WORD3.1.foo.example.com,
       #                           WORD4.1.foo.example.com,
       #                           ..
           if settings.altdns_insert_word:
       # test.1.foo.example.com -> WORD.test.1.foo.example.com,
       #                           test.WORD.1.foo.example.com,
       #                           test.1.WORD.foo.example.com,
       #                           test.1.foo.WORD.example.com,
       #                           ...
           if settings.altdns_add_word:
       # Prepend with `-`
       # test.1.foo.example.com -> WORD-test.1.foo.example.com
       # Prepend with `-`
       # test.1.foo.example.com -> test-WORD.1.foo.example.com

5种置换方式, 具体规则如上面代码注释

resolved_data = resolve.run_resolve(self.domain, self.results)
      valid_data = wildcard.deal_wildcard(resolved_data) # 强制开启泛解析处理
      request.run_request(self.domain, valid_data, port)


0x2.2.11 丰富结果

# Information enrichment module
if settings.enable_enrich_module:
enrich = Enrich(self.domain)
   # 对结果信息进行丰富


public: 是否是公网IP
cidr: ip2location库查询出的CIDR
asn: ip2location库查询出的ASN
isp: ip2region库查询出的网络服务提供商

0x2.2.12 导出数据至csv文件

self.data = self.export_data()  # 导出数据至csv文件

0x2.2.13 子域名接管扫描模块

# Scan subdomain takeover
if self.takeover:
   subdomains = utils.get_subdomains(self.data)
   takeover = Takeover(targets=subdomains)
# 扫描检测是否存在子域名接管漏洞
    def run(self):
       start = time.time()
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Start running {self.source} module')
       if isinstance(self.targets, set):
           self.subdomains = self.targets
           self.subdomains = utils.get_domains(self.target, self.targets)
       self.fmt = utils.check_format(self.fmt)
       timestamp = utils.get_timestamp()
       name = f'takeover_check_result_{timestamp}'
       self.path = utils.check_path(self.path, name, self.fmt)
       if self.subdomains:
           logger.log('INFOR', f'Checking subdomain takeover')
           self.fingerprints = get_fingerprint()
           self.results.headers = ['subdomain', 'cname']
           # 创建待检查的子域队列
           for domain in self.subdomains:
           # 进度线程
           progress_thread = Thread(target=self.progress, name='ProgressThread',
           # 检查线程
           for i in range(self.thread):
               check_thread = Thread(target=self.check, name=f'CheckThread{i}',

           logger.log('FATAL', f'Failed to obtain domain')
       end = time.time()
       elapse = round(end - start, 1)
       logger.log('ALERT', f'{self.source} module takes {elapse} seconds, '
                           f'There are {len(self.results)} subdomains exists takeover')
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Subdomain takeover results: {self.path}')
       logger.log('INFOR', f'Finished {self.source} module')


return self.data

0x3 总结
