名人名言 顾睿哲 伍尚光 著 广州外语音像出版社 【书 名】名人名言 【作 者】顾睿哲,伍尚光著 【出版社】广州外语音像出版社 【出版时间】2003年10月 【定 价】20.00元 Contents 目录 Youth and Age Belief and Truth Wealth Authority and Power War Association Aim and Ideal Success and Failure Action and Behavior Smile Hatred and Anger Silence Happiness and Joy Self Greatness Religion Good and Evil Relationships Friendship Problem Freedom Politics Forgiveness Music Experience Marriage, Family and Children Example History Enthusiasm Education Diligence 3 Dreams and Hopes Creativity Courage and Cowardice Art Compliment and Criticism Wisdom and Ignorance Character and Personality Time Books Speaking and Listening Perseverance Patience Opportunity Modesty and Pride Man and the World Love Life and Death Leadership Judgement Imagination and Reality Humor and Laugh Optimism and Pessimism Advice Honesty Fortune and Misfortune Beauty Miscellaneous 4 Youth and Age 1. At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. - Benjamin Franklin 二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。 - B·富兰克林(1706—1790,美国政治家、作家、科学家) 2. The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. -George Buck 年纪越大我就越不相信那句教条:年龄带给人智慧。 -乔治·巴克 3. Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative. -Maurice Chevalier 当考虑到年轻所特有的问题