原文链接:https://blog.admissions.illinois.edu/?p=40752你已经进入校园了。你的日程安排也已经定好了,你也已经搬进了宿舍,还和室友讨论了关于共用迷你冰箱的尴尬话题,你已经准备好充分利用你的学期。你想加入一个大学社团,但你不知道从哪里开始。不要担心!有很多方法可以在你的校园里找到不同的学生组织,在这篇文章中,我们列出了一些方法帮助你入门。如果有这样一种活动:校园里所有的社团都聚集在一起寻找新成员,桌子上摆满了信息,还有大量的免费笔,那不是很好吗?好消息,通常是在学年开始的时候,大多数大学都会举办学生社团展览会,括UIUC。社团展览会是一种的方式,你可以看看你可能感兴趣的社团,不用立刻决定是否要加入。你可以浏览表格的问题,还能带走桌子上免费赠送的笔。活动结束后,想想哪些社团对你的影响比较大。当你选择了你最喜欢的社团后,参加社团入选会并决定你想要长期加入哪些学生社团。也许你所在的大学没有举办学生社团活动,又或者你因为参加了暑假末的狂欢睡过头错过了。但如果你能上网,你也可以线上参加学生社团展览会!大多数大学都有一个网站,专门展示他们所有不同的学生社团和组织。例如,在UIUC,您可以在学生参与网站上找到一个可分类和搜索的已注册学生社团组织列表。调查你可能感兴趣的学生社团的另一种方法是找到他们的社交媒体页面。Instagram和Facebook可以让你了解到学生社团实际上在进行什么样的活动。有了这些内部信息,你很快就会知道哪些社团适合你。通常,参加不同社团的机会是通过你的专业发生的。最棒的是,这些社团都非常非常希望你加入。他们的全部动机是把有相似兴趣和目标的学生聚集在一起,建立社交网络,对共同艰难的课程产生共鸣,并一起享受乐趣。如果你不确定在哪里可以找到和你专业相关的社团,你可以尝试搜索我们上面讨论过的常见的学生社团网站或社交媒体,但你也可以通过你的专业部门找到它们。让你的学术顾问给你指出正确的方向,或者让社团里的学长学姐给你提供一些消息。你高中有最喜欢的活动吗?也许是你玩过的一项运动,也许是一种乐器?做一些你一直想做但没有机会做的事情怎么样?比如你成为一名养蜂人或精英魁地奇球员?不管你觉得自己的兴趣有多模糊,总有一个大学社团会适合你。学生社团可能是在你的学习领域建立专业联系的好方法,但它们更重要的是在大学的压力下建立友谊,放松和享受乐趣的一种方式。刚到校园的时候,寻找可以加入的大学社团似乎是一项艰巨的任务,但重要的是要记住,马上找到最合适的社团并没有压力。大学就是要不断尝试新事物,如果这些新事物的结果和你预期的不一样,那也没关系。谁知道呢?你可能会找到你一生都在寻找的爱好!How to Find a College Club for YouYou’ve made it to campus. Your schedule is set, you’ve moved into your residence hall, had an awkward conversation about sharing the mini fridge with your roommate, and you’re ready to make the most of your semester. You want to get involved in a college club, but you’re not sure where to start. Have no fear! Many ways exist to find different student groups on your campus, and in this blog, we’ve listed a few to get you started.students perusing their options of organization at the annual Quad DayGo to a Student Activities FairWouldn’t it be great if there was some sort of event where all the clubs on campus gathered in search of new members, with tables full of information and free pens galore? Good news, there (usually) is! At the beginning of the school year, most colleges (including UIUC) will have student activity fairs. Activity fairs are a low-key way to investigate different clubs you might be interested in without having to fully commit. You can browse the tables, ask questions, and make sure to take all the free pens you can carry.Once the activity fair is over, think about which groups made the biggest impact. When you’ve picked your favorites, attend a meeting and decide which clubs you want to join long-term.Take Advantage of the InternetMaybe your university doesn’t have an activities fair, or maybe you overslept and missed it after getting in your last end-of-summer Netflix binge. But if you have access to the internet, you have a virtual activities fair in your back pocket 24/7!Most colleges have a website dedicated to showcasing all of their different student clubs and organizations. For example, at UIUC, you can find a sortable and searchable list of registered student organizations on the student engagement website.Another good way to investigate clubs you might be interested in is to find their social media pages. Instagram and Facebook can give you an idea of what kind of events or activities the club is actually doing. With this insider look, you’ll know which clubs are for you in no time.ECE students running a demonstration at the Engineering Open HouseLook for Groups Related to Your MajorOftentimes, opportunities to get involved in different clubs happen through your major. And the best part is, these clubs really, really want you to join. Their whole motivation is bringing together students with similar interests and goals to network, commiserate over tough classes, and have fun together.If you’re not sure where to find clubs related to your major, you can try searching the usual suspects we discussed above—student group websites or social media—but you can also find them through your academic department.Ask your academic advisor to point you in the right direction, or maybe an older student who’s in the club and can give you an inside scoop. Think About What You Like to DoDid you have a favorite activity from high school? Maybe a sport you played, or an instrument? How about something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the chance, like that secret ambition to become an expert beekeeper or an elite Quidditch player?No matter how obscure you think your interests are, there’s probably a college club to suit your fancy. Student organizations can be a great way to build professional connections in your field of study, but they are more importantly a way to build friendships, relax, and have fun amidst the stress of college.Finding college clubs to join when you first arrive on campus can seem like a tall task, but it’s important to remember there’s no pressure to find the perfect fit right away. College is all about trying new things, and it’s okay if those new things turn out differently than you expected. Who knows? You might just find the hobby you’ve been searching for your whole life!