SimpleChat ver 3.7.0 allows you to use the Facebook chat from your Android device. Facebook's permits required for best use of this application are: 1) Go to Facebook chat -> this course to be able to use the chat (Required)2) Access to messages in your inbox -> To download the conversations from Facebook,this is a new feature chat3) Manage your notifications -> to display notifications facebook4) Friends' Birthdays -> To see the birthday icon5) Status Updates shared with you -> To view the status of the contact in the list If you do not accept the last two chat can work howeverbut will not have access to all the features. Features: - Access by facebook account;- Notification of messages;- Notification LED, vibrate, sound;- Notification action settlement;- Emoticons; - View Group;- Display the grid;- View birthday;- View user status;- Visualisation device's icon used;- View Alphabetical List Contact;- View offline presence *- Favorites Friends;- Open conversations;- Cache conversationes;- App widget for Home;- Photo sharing in conversations (capture and photo gallery);- Shared position;- View avatar in conversations;- Notifications of Facebook (click header);- Download conversation of Facebook;- Displayed in your Facebook (Application) profile (on long click item);- Automatic reconnection;- Custom size, type and style font;- Custom background;- Custom balloon. Tags: Chat facebook, facebook messenger, notification facebook SimpleChat版本3.7.0 允许你使用Facebook的聊天 从你的Android设备。 Facebook的最佳使用这种应用所需的许可证: 1)进入Facebook聊天 - >这门课程能够使用聊天(必填)2)访问您的收件箱中的邮件 - >下载的谈话从Facebook,这是一个新的功能,聊天3)管理的通知 - >显示Facebook的通知4)朋友的生日 - >生日图标5)与您共享状态更新 - >要查看的联系人列表中的状态 如果您不接受,最后两人聊天可以工作,但但不会有访问的所有功能。 特点: - 通过Facebook账户访问;- 消息通知;- 通知LED,震动,声音;- 通知诉讼和解;- 表情;- 集团;- 显示网格;- 查看的生日;- 查看用户状态;- 使用可视设备的图标;- 查看字母顺序列表联系;- 查看离线存在*- 收藏好友;- 开放式的对话;- 缓存conversationes;- APP部件主页;在谈话中 - 照片共享(捕获和照片库);- 共同立场;- 查看头像在谈话中;- Facebook的通知(点击标题);- 下载Facebook的谈话;- 显示您的Facebook(应用程序)配置文件(长按项目);- 自动重新连接;- 自定义大小,类型和风格的字体;- 自定义背景;- 自定义的气球。 标签:聊天信使,脸谱,脸谱Facebook的通知